Tuesday, January 3, 2012

These are some of the favorites of our photo session with Justin Jones of J2 photography, I think he did an AMAZING job! He also did my sister-in-laws family pictures the same weekend and she had nothing but great things to say about his photo skills, and more importantly, his kid-wrangling/handling skills! Enjoy..

I got a little "Sign Happy" and insisted on having our sign in EVERY photo, looking back, probably not the best idea(it looks great for our Christmas cards but not for the photos we wanna hang in the house). I think by the end of the session both Devin and Justin were ready to drop-kick that darn(but very cute) sign!

The one above is my favorite, what a handsome devil I married!

She works hard for the money..

Today at work, during my down time, I Modge-podged this...

Painted this...

Finished knitting this... And ate a lot of this...

I love my job.