Saturday, March 30, 2013

Month 3

-  Nicknames: Honey Bunny, Boo Boo, Quinny Winny, Baby Quinn, and my mom calls her Petunes(short for "Petunia")
-  Still hasn't gotten back into the "sleeping through the night"  habit...which is okay! My new favorite part of the day is our mid-night feeding that is followed by her arching her little back and falling asleep in my arms with her arms outstretched above her head
-  Has become quiet the coo-er! I'm still arguing with my husband that she is a genius and has already said her first words "Ya" and "Uh-huh", but he insists that they were just coos...
-  Not a fan of tummy time, no sir! I'm still debating how long I should keep her on her tummy as she screams at me, it seems so cruel to sit there and watch her struggle
-  She is currently learning the score of "The Little Mermaid" through the vocal talents of yours truly
-  We packed away all the 0-3 month clothes and she is now wearing 6 and 9 month attire
-  Moved up to size 2 diapers
-  Likes to go commando and lay in the sun that shines through the nursery window to air out in the afternoon
-  Still fussy, especially in the late afternoon
-  Grandma Cookie bought her a play yard that lets her play piano with her feet and play with all the toys hanging down from it (pictured below) and she LOVES it
-  Devin says she has "Orangutang baby hair" when she wakes up from a nap because it's matted every which way
-  Will not take a bink anymore, should I be happy or sad about this?
-  Since she moved on from the bink, she has been hard at work trying to figure out how to get her thumb into her mouth, she has been successful several times but usually ends up sucking on the palm of her hand instead
-  I can't keep up with how fast her nails are growing, therefore she has self-inflicted scratches all over her face and tummy
-  We are in the process of putting her on a sleep and eat "schedule", will let you know how that pans out
-  We give her a tubby every night to relax her before bed.  At the rate she is growing she will soon be too big for the kitchen sink tub and will have to start having tubby-time in the big girl tub!
-  She has Fred Flinstone feet that have major grip strength 
-  Experienced some major blowouts this month
-  Has the biggest, sweetest, toothless smile that moves the earth every time I see it
-  I think she is doomed to be spoiled because I have a tendency to hold her all day, every day, and only put her down when absolutely necessary
-  While we are on the subject of being spoiled, I probably kiss her about 500 times a day, it's seriously addicting!

Easter photshoot in the blue bunny suit Great Grandma gave her

Quinn does not look happy to be sharing the spotlight with Otto
This is the same look her dad gives me every time I try to take a picture

Chatting with her CiCi whilst attempting to suck her thumb

Playing in her playyard

Morning nap in the big bed ( I get drowsy just looking at this picture)

I never realize how big she is getting until I see someone else holding her

Chit-chatting with Grandma Joelynn

Ever since Quinn was born my outlook on life has completely softened! I think I cry at least once a day over silly things like the lyrics to a song, a picture, a Huggies commercial, goodbyes(to people I won't see for months and to people I will see later that night), a random comments someone makes, or just by looking at the kid. She has made my heart so tender that in some ways it is ridiculous, but in other ways it was necessary.  It's funny how such a tiny person can have such a huge impact on the world!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Month 2

-Every morning when I wake her up I feel like she looks a little different...growing like a weed!
- Baby talk is the new normal in our household, and I don't think I will ever want to go back to talking like a normal human being again
Had her 2 month check-up and she is 12.12 lbs and 24 inches long! 95th percentile for height and 85th percentile for weight (She is a TANK!)
- Doctor said that her height and weight is very proportional so keep doing what we've been doing
- Eats up to 6oz per feeding (breastmilk then supplement with formula)
- Slept through the night 3 nights in a row! (Then we took her out of town for the weekend and she caught my cold so she kinda fell back to waking up two times a night)
- Currently experiencing her first sickness, congestion that makes her snort like a little piggy when we lay her flat
- Starting to notice and play with some toys.  Chews on her Sophie the giraffe, and LOVES her stuffed seahorse named CiCi that plays lullabies
- Loves to smile especially at "P" and "L" sounds ex: "Pop-ce" and "Lalalala"
- Has discovered her hands and enjoys jamming them in her mouth
- Turing into a major drueler!
- Most happy laying flat so she can kick her legs (Devin calls it "starting up her dirt bike")
- Finally let me put her in the BabyBjorn and she fell asleep in about 10 seconds
- Becoming more independent, at bedtime we can put her in her crib wide awake and she is able to put herself to sleep (Devin is much better at this process than I am for some reason as he can get her to sleep in her crib during the day as well, I cannot)
- My new favorite thing is when I'm feeding her I look down at her at her and she has the biggest smile on her face without any prompting!
- I'd still consider her to be a fussy baby, but she is slowly phasing out of it
- Not a fan of bows (K fine, I'm busted, I'M not a fan of bows) becasue they leave a big ring around her noggin, and sometimes they just don't seem practical, but look so very cute when she actually does wear them
- Starting to get rolls on her thighs, arms, neck, and not to mention has the CUTEST double chin I've ever seen!
- Has cheeks that would make a chipmunk jealous!

All dolled up in her blessing dress, the bracelet just kills me!

Quinn and brother are total BFF

About to go shoot some hoops (her tshirt says lil' T-Bird!)

Some modeling Quinn did for my Grandma's birthday card, I think she looks delicious!

Work it girl!

Tummytime during sunnytime in the nursery

Hurry up Dr. T, I've got places to be!

Me and my not-so-little baby

Chin and cheeks for days

The poop face!

The family at Grandma Noni's funeral in Moab
ALL the great grand kids with Grandpa Neal

Baby Bjorn and I finally conquered Quinn, once she got in she was out like a light!

Enjoying a bit of fresh air in her swing with CiCi by her side
   As for the parents, we are still adjusting to revolving our lives around this funny little human, and things are making more sense every day.  The biggest thing I want to work on is giving her some space. Not that I want to neglect her, just maybe let her hang out by herself for increments through the day, and not jump up every time she makes a peep.  Realize it's okay for her to cry, and that she is getting to the point where she can soothe herself.
   Best mom moment of the month: We had been at Grandma Noni's viewing for a few hours and Q was getting fussy and snorting up a storm and just felt like crap.  Nothing was soothing her, not even a bink or a bottle, and everyone around was trying to help.  Finally after being passed around to several different people trying to help, someone finally passed her to me and she just stopped crying. It was one of those "Ah-ha!" moments when it hit me... I'm the mom.  I'm the one she needs.  I'm the one she will always need more than anyone else.  I'm the one who has to help her.  I'm the one who has to comfort her. She needs ME.  It probably sounds silly that it has taken me this long to realize this, but it was such a simple moment that meant oh so much.  I know that being a mom is my biggest challenge in life, and I hope this little one bears with me as I try my best figure it out!